Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is Your Internet Marketing Value Driven?

Value Offered Is Money Made On Internet

In Online marketing the most important principle to remember is the concept of value. Online businesses have to work harder to attract loyal customers due to the very nature of the World Wide Web where competition could run into thousands if not millions. You may be offering the highest-quality product, but your customers are flocking to your competitor because they offer the best value. Now here is the principle of value. Value isn't just about quality if that quality comes at too high a price. Value is a balance of price, product quality, and the benefits of the purchase. So, while you are thinking that making the best product will sell in a down economy, it might or it might not. It all depends on the way you've marketed that product to exemplify the best versus the cost.

Actual Value To Perceived Value

All products in the online marketplace have an intrinsic value that can be brought to the fore by good internet marketing practices. The idea is to understand your targeted customer and solve problems that they need addressed. If you can do that, you are creating value in terms of benefits. If your solution is way over and above what they expected, the perceived value may increase, depending on the cost. Now here is the key. Do not spend too much time on explaining the features but let the message carry the benefits. If you are able to provide exceptional quality products at a reduced cost, you are providing a very high-value offer. But, even then, quality is subjective, in many cases, and that can also be influenced to create more demand.

Info Products Are A Good Place To Start

Info products are a great way to provide high-quality, low-cost offers that demonstrate a high-perceived value. The reason for this is that it takes very little time and money to create info products. You can always sign up for or buy master reseller rights and quickly spin them into your own products, and through the magic of the Internet, they can be duplicated and delivered endlessly. So, the manufacturing cost is quite low, and thus, you can bundle many info products into one offer to create high-value packages without any additional costs on your part. The most online tool to market such bundles is the OTO or the One Time Offers And, you can also deliver them instantly over the Internet. Apart from high value online customers are looking for instant gratification. Offers that triggers instant satisfaction by way of immediate downloads are now very popular.

Some Products Are More Suited To the Internet

Some market niches are better suited to the internet. Info product bundles with master resell rights are the most popular. The three principles to success in info product marketing is

1. High Quality.
2. Low Cost
3. Quick Delivery

If you can provide high quality, low cost, and quick delivery, then the Internet can be a great catalyst to jump your profits even in down turn. Just focus on products and services where you can manipulate the perceived value so that demand can remain constant or even increase during tough times. On the Internet, Value would continue to be the king and the key strategy for online marketing as well as offline marketing.

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