Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Basic Monetised Blogging Advice

If you are anything like me, who wants to get into the online space without spending too much effort or money, then blogging is the right platform for you. A web log or simply a blog is the opportunity available to the average person to say what he wants to say, make himself heard and build his own following if what one says is valuable.

A blog is also an opportunity to make money if you just know the simple techniques that are illustrated in the blog program which you use. For example this is a blog on a blogger platform. You have the opportunity to monetize it through adsense for which you will be guided if you chose to do so.

A typical blog has the following components:

Post date -the date and time of the blog entry
Category - the category that the blog belongs to
Title - the title of the blog

Main body - the main content of the blog

RSS and trackback - links the blog back from other sites

Comments - commentaries that are added by readers

Permalinks - the URL of the full article

What are the type of blogs that You can create. I have given a list of broad categories. However you may find specific niches within these categories to make it more focussed and targeted if you plan to make it a professional monetized blog.

1. Political blog - on news, politics, activism, and other issue based blogs (such as campaigning).

2. Personal blog - also known as online diary that may include an individual's day-to-day experience, complaints, poems, and illicit thoughts, and communications between friends

3. Topical blog - with focus either on a particular niche (function or position) that is usually technical in nature or a local information

4. Health blog - on specific health issues. Medical blog is a major category of health blog that features medical news from health care professionals and/or actual patient cases

5. Literary blog - also known as litblog

6. Travel blog - with focus on a traveler's stories on a particular journey

7. Research blog - on academic issues such as research notes.

8. Legal blog - on law (technical areas) and legal affairs; also known as 'blawgs'.

9. Media blog - focus on falsehoods or inconsistencies in mass media; usually exclusive for a newspaper or a television network.

10. Religious blog - on religious topics

11. Educational blog - on educational applications, usually written by students and teachers

12. Collaborative or collective blog - a specific topic written by a group of people

13. Directory blog - contains a collection of numerous web sites

14. Business blog - used by entrepreneurs and corporate employees to promote their businesses or talk about their work

15. Personification blog - focus on non-human being or objects (such as dogs)

16. Spam blogs - used for promoting affiliated websites; also known as 'splogs'

If you are looking to monetize the blog, then you need to spend time on daily basis updating the blog with fresh content to make your visitors keep coming back for more info. You will also be listed and ranked better by search engines due to your regularity and fresh content. Fresh content is the food for search spiders.

But if you are too lazy to get into all these efforts then you can check out this guy who makes $40000.00 a month on just a blog.

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