Sunday, January 30, 2011

Internet Marketing May Never Be The Same With Gmail Priority

The Profit Share | Gmail Priority Inbox: "Google are now attempting to make sense of people’s inbox by creating a priority order based upon the email habits of the user. If a user regularly opens some marketer’s emails but not others then they will continue to get preference by being pushed closer to the top of the user’s inbox.

This means as a marketer, the need for quality subject lines, content and the “lookforwardability” [that is a word... honest!] of your emails needs to improve. Simply put, if you get the emails you send read frequently, then you give yourself a competitive edge over other marketers by starting in a position that is more likely to get the user’s attention as they look through their inbox. You can build upon this success by increasing the likelihood of your subsequent emails being read as they are effectively in the “A pile”.

Of course, conversely, this means that if your emails are not being read and are just disappearing into the depth’s of user’s inboxes, then you’ll be relegated to the “B pile” and possibly out of mind."

1 comment:

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