The foremost advantage of viral marketing is that you get a lot of no cost or low cost public awareness about your web based business site. The flow of traffic can generate a huge potential customer base if you have a good email capture system built into your web site.
The effectiveness of viral marketing can really explode with little imagination and ingenuity. By not using viral marketing you could be killing the golden goose.
Viral marketing could take many forms but one of the most used viral tools is the e-books and reports. Just write a short e-book or a report on a chosen subject with enough links to your and offer it on your site as free download. The books may also be offered in many JV’s as a bonus or as a bonus with your or your collaborators products. The books would be passed on from one to another and after certain period they would multiply across many sites and being exchanged by different people take on a momentum of its own. Each reader would also click on some of the links bringing them to your site.
But one pre-condition for a viral marketing traffic is your report or e-book must have some excellent and useful content for the people to read through them and fascinating enough to click on the links to your site for more information.
Some of the most well known names to have used the viral marketing is Hotmail which offered a free email. It soon became a big buzz with people sending the links to their friends and huge user base was created. The original owner sold Hotmail for $400 million dollars to Microsoft. The same technique was used later by googles Gmail which offered a certain number of invitations to its original members. You can sign up for Gmail only if you had an invite. When mail boxes were just about 10 MB Gmail offered 2 GB and it became a huge buzz creating a viral effect of people seeking invites from members. Now Gmail has become the preferred mail for many.
Most of the top Internet Marketing Guru’s from Jim Edwards to Frank Kern use the viral e-Books to promote their main product or website. Frank Kern’s viral videos are a classic example of using the latest in technology and buzz videos in marketing his products and the latest product sold a mind boggling $4 million within a few days of launch.
Now it’s your turn to use viral marketing to work wonders for you. Act now and reap the benefits Viral Marketing and see your sales jump. If you don’t have a product, ebook or report, you need not panic. You can get your Butterfly Report right now and start working on your internet millions.